• Omnicell is Chester County Hospital’s Automated Drug Dispensing device.  
  • If clinical instructors will supervise students with medication administration, they must complete Chester County Hospital’s required education for Omnicell to gain access to the device.  
  • RNs at other Penn Medicine sites MUST complete Chester County Hospital Omnicell access class for Chester County Hospital , even though a Penn RN may have Omnicell access at HUP or another UPHS site.
  • KnowledgeLink tutorials can be added to your education by searching for these 2 classes in KnowledgeLink:  
    • Omnicell: Patient Care in a Profiled Environment-CCH only (Course HS.11000.ITEM.OPCPE), and  
    • Omnicell Anywhere RN Nurse Training-CCH only curriculum (Course HS.11000.CURR.OARNT).   
  • On the next page of the guide is the form that must be filled out and sent to the Chester County Hospital Student/Faculty Coordinator when both of these tutorials are completed. The Chester County Hospital Student/Faculty Coordinator will then send this form to pharmacy for access. This may take 3- 5 business days to be processed and Omnicell access obtained.
  • Once access has been granted, clinical instructors must go to their unit to get enrolled in the Omnicell. Once the clinical instructor's fingerprint is enrolled, they can use any Omnicell unit if they have clinical in more than 1 unit. 
  • Ask for an RN superuser, or do this when meeting with the manager for department orientation prior to the clinical rotation start date. Clinical instructors must enter their network login username and password when directed by the unit RN/manager.
  • Maintaining Omnicell access:  
    • Omnicell access will be denied if 3 months elapse with no Omnicell log-on.  Once you have attended Omnicell class and have a valid log on, you can access any Omnicell unit at Chester County Hospital.  All Omnicell transactions and log-ons are tracked by user.
    • You MUST log onto Omnicell at least every 3 months to keep your access valid and active. If you are no longer active please email the Chester County Hospital Student/Faculty Coordinator with your Name & network username so reactivation can be requested from Pharmacy.

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