Celebrating Women's Health Week: How to Focus on Your Health

Women's Health Week at Chester County Hospital in West Chester, PA.

As a woman, it's easy (and common) to prioritize the health and well-being of those around you before your own. You may find yourself getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but taking care of your own health is something that you can't afford to overlook. 

That's why Women's Health Week 2023 (May 14-20) is an important opportunity to take a step back, focus on your own body, and learn more about the steps you can take to stay healthy. 



Lori Cory, MD, MSCE is an oncologist at Chester County Hospital who specializes in the treatment of gynecologic cancers. She is committed to providing the highest quality care to her patients and is a strong advocate for women's health.

Amy Latyak, BSN, RN, CCE, CBC is a nurse and childbirth educator at Chester County Hospital who has helped countless women prepare for childbirth and the postpartum period. She is passionate about empowering women and helping them make informed decisions about their healthcare. 

Together, Lori and Amy share their women's health advice to help you prioritize you during Women's Health Week — and all year long.

Remember to Listen to Your Body

Dr. Cory found her passion for medicine at a young age. While she isn't sure why she decided at five years old that she wanted to be a doctor, she remembers that her parents encouraged her every step of the way. She fell in love with the sciences during undergrad school and has thrived on the relationships she has with her patients.

When it comes to health advice for women, Dr. Cory believes that educating women about their bodies is essential. "Throughout history, women have not been given enough information about what is normal and abnormal with their bodies," Dr. Cory says. "Sometimes I'll have an appointment with a woman who has a health concern that has been going on for some time, but they never felt comfortable enough to talk about it — or didn't understand their body enough to know that that's something they should be talking about."

Many gynecologic cancers also have prevention strategies or risk reduction strategies. From vaccines to maintaining a healthy weight to getting your routine screenings, healthy choices can support women's overall health and reduce your risk for certain cancers.

Dr. Cory encourages women to make it a priority to take care of themselves and their health. She advises that every woman should go for an annual wellness visit with their primary care provider, as well as an annual well-woman exam with their Ob/Gyn. "These visits are essential for general well-women care and making sure that women get appropriate screenings for things like breast cancer, cervical cancer, or other vaginal cancers," she says.

The Importance of Childbirth Education

Amy Latyak has always loved babies, but it was during a high school volunteer position as a candy striper, that she realized she wanted to focus on maternity and childbirth.

Having worked as a labor and delivery nurse and a postpartum nurse, Amy has experience in many aspects of childbirth — and if you are considering starting a family, having a baby will play a big role in your overall health. Currently, Amy is the Childbirth Education Program Coordinator at Chester County Hospital, and she believes birthing parents — and their partners — can all benefit from more childbirth education.

According to Amy, "education is power", especially for first-time parents. By having information about all aspects of your child's birth, you can be prepared and confident in your birth plan. But every birthing experience is different, so even if it's your second or third child, taking a class can help you dig into specific aspects of your birth or past experiences.

When it comes to women's health, Amy advises mothers-to-be to consider breastfeeding, as it offers important health benefits for both mom and baby. "Chester County Hospital has a baby-friendly designation, which means we meet the highest standards for mother-baby care practices. Our staff and lactation consultants are trained to assist with breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, latching, and pumping."

Amy also emphasizes the importance of preparing not only for childbirth but for postpartum care as well. "It's so important to build your village or support network," Amy explains. "This includes the family and friends who can help you out when you get home, as well as other resources such as outpatient lactation services."

To help parents prepare for childbirth and parenthood, Chester County Hospital offers virtual and in-person prenatal and postpartum classes, hospital tours, and support groups for moms, dads or partners. To stay up to date with all that Chester County Hospital has to offer for new/expecting parents, be sure to sign up for our free weekly Prenatal Pearls Newsletter

Celebrating Women's Health Week with the Women in Your Life

Taking care of your own health as a woman is important, but it might not always be your top priority. When life gets busy, it can be hard to put yourself first, but there are easy habits you can adopt to put your own health at the top of your to-do list. Eating nutritious foods, exercising often, and getting enough sleep are great places to start.

Regularly visiting your doctor for tests like mammograms and gynecological exams is also a key part of prioritizing your own health. These appointments and screenings can help you detect any potential health issues early on and prevent them from becoming more serious.

Women's Health Week can be a nice time to talk to the women in your family and friend group about their own health habits. If you know your mom hasn't been to the doctor in a few years, now might be a good opportunity to encourage her to make an appointment — and go with her.

Overall, taking care of women's health is something we should all care about. This means remembering to focus on your own health, as well as connecting with the women in your life to focus on theirs. When we help women stay healthy and make sure they have access to good healthcare, everyone can benefit.

Reach Out

Whether you need to establish Ob/Gyn care, schedule an annual pap smear, find out if you are pregnant, or address any other women's health concerns, the providers at Chester County Hospital are here for you. Request an appointment online or call 610-903-6200 to talk to a team member.

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