Chester County Hospital offers a comprehensive Childbirth Education Program intended to meet the needs of first-time and experienced parents in Chester County, PA and the surrounding region. We offer a wide variety of classes to help prepare the entire family in welcoming the newborn. The curriculum has been carefully designed to assist parents in obtaining the tools they will need for pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, newborn care, parenting, and sibling adjustment. Classes are taught by experienced maternal/infant nurse educators who have a special certification in childbirth education.
To help fit parent's busy schedules classes are offered on evenings and weekends. Classes are held on the Chester County Hospital Campus in West Chester, PA or virtually online via Zoom.
PLEASE NOTE: Pre-registration is required for all programs. Select a class and session to register online. Or call 610.738.2300.
Our maternity tours offer prospective parents an opportunity to visit the Chester County Hospital labor and delivery unit, newborn nursery, maternity unit, and neonatal intensive care unit.
This four-week series is designed to provide valuable tools to expectant parents in preparation for the birth experience.
This class is one-day in length and is intended for busy couples that wish a condensed version of our popular Four-Week Prepared Childbirth series.
This one-session class is for pregnant women who are interested in the learning the basics of breastfeeding.
This two-session class teaches important techniques about caring for your newly-born infant.
This one-session review class is offered for couples who have taken a childbirth preparation class during a previous pregnancy.
This class is designed for expectant mothers (and their support person) to explore the mind-body connection, discuss beliefs about birth, and address fears and concerns surrounding birth and/or parenting.
This class is designed to give parents an idea of what life is really like at home after you have a baby.
This 90-minute class is designed for women who want more information on pumping breast milk and resuming their careers and life outside of the home.
This is a special class to help children ages 3-7 prepare for the arrival of a new baby in the home.