It’s National Breastfeeding Month: Meet 3 CCH Lactation Consultants

From sore nipples and issues with latching to unsupportive work policies or lack of parental leave, there are many different things that can make breastfeeding frustrating. Everyone's breastfeeding journey is different, and it can be filled with ups and downs. It can also feel isolating and lonely — but it doesn't have to be. 



International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) are health professionals who are available to support you, your baby, and your family when it comes to breastfeeding. At Chester County Hospital, lactation consultants can help you prepare for breastfeeding before your baby is born, while you are here giving birth, and after discharge.

Here are three of the lactation consultants at Chester County Hospital who help keep babies and their families healthy each day:

Robin Frees, BA, CHT, HBCE, IBCLC (lactation consultant at Chester County Hospital for 14 years) 
Lactation Consultant and Co-Coordinator of the Baby-Friendly Program

Currently, at Chester County Hospital, about 90% of the mothers that come here intend to do some breastfeeding — not always exclusively breastfeeding — but they want to do so in some capacity.

I love my job because I love working with babies and teaching new parents how to understand their babies. I like working with parents to show them what their baby is saying to them — are they hungry, or are they having difficulty feeding? It's so wonderful being able to help parents figure that out.

Now, breastfeeding can be challenging, but usually, most of those challenges can be fixed. That’s why lactation consultants can be so helpful. It's important for mothers to know that they can ask for help, which can sometimes be a hard thing to do. You may think you should already know how to breastfeed or that you have to fight through pain or discomfort. You may be afraid to ask questions. In reality, there are no bad questions.

Lactation consultants are here to help mothers meet their goals — whatever those goals may be. Sometimes people think that lactation consultants are going to force moms to breastfeed or make them do something they don't want to do. At Chester County Hospital, our approach is always to meet the mother where she is and find out how she wants to feed her baby, understand her goals, and then help her achieve those goals.

Michele Quigley, BSN RN, IBCLC, CCE (nurse at Chester County Hospital for 19 years)
Lactation Consultant

I think there's a misperception that lactation consultants go around and just stick babies on breasts all day long. This isn’t the case — we work to teach families how to do that themselves. Every day, we get to experience meeting new families, and we get to be a small part of their journey.

My famous line that I say every single day to new patients is, “Remember that I only have a job because people need help. If it was simple and easy, I would be unemployed.” The earlier you reach out, the quicker issues (like soreness, discomfort, or low milk supply) can be resolved.

Lactation consultants are also available not only to moms who gave birth at Chester County Hospital, but also to mothers who are admitted to the emergency room (ER). Sometimes we get called to the ER because there may be a situation that is directly lactation-related. Other times, we get called into the ER because a patient may have come in for a different health reason, but also happens to be breastfeeding her baby and may have questions about treatment, care, medications or milk supply. We're here to help you figure out a plan to support you and your baby, no matter what brings you to our hospital. 

Tricia Snyder, BSN RN, IBCLC, CCE (nurse at Chester County Hospital for 6 years)
Lactation Consultant

During my first few years as a nurse, I started a family of my own. I realized that some of what we learned in nursing , I could have applied to my own personal experience as a new mom. That was my driving factor to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I felt like I owed my patients a little bit more than the level of nursing knowledge I could deliver at the time.

I often tell my patients that you can read everything about childbirth and breastfeeding in a book; but when it comes down to doing it, it's completely different. Also, all babies are different. So even for our families who are having their second, third or fourth baby, the breastfeeding piece is still a unique experience for that couple at the time.

My job is to be there in a supporting role — and it is so wonderful. I love interacting with new families. One of the most fulfilling parts is when I get to meet families during their pregnancy, teach them classes and prepare them for what to expect. And then, I get to see them in the hospital and either take care of them as a nurse or as a lactation consultant. For many families, I can be a part of their journey at all stages, and it puts it all into perspective.

Here for You and Your Family, Every Step of the Way

At Chester County Hospital, lactation consultants and childbirth educators are here to support your family long before your new baby arrives. We offer a range of childbirth education and prenatal classes as well as postpartum support.

We are so thankful to have lactation consultants like Robin, Michele, Tricia and the rest of their team, who support moms and babies in our community.

For help with breastfeeding, sign up for a childbirth education class, or call a CCH lactation consultant at 610-738-2582.

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