Mental Health Resources for Seniors at Chester County Hospital

1. For a Mental Health Emergency - All are 24/7 services.

2. Chester County Warm Line - 866-846-2722 - This is a non-crisis phone line that operates Monday through Friday from 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM and noon to 6:00 pm on the weekends.

3. Chester County Teen Line - Operates from 3-7 PM, seven days a week. This is not a hot line, but a place to call if a teen needs to talk or text. Call 855-852-TEEN (8336) or Text 484-362-9515.

4. ChescoLife - A free service available county wide for families who have a child or adolescent who struggles with emotional, behavioral, or social needs; has developmental or intellectual disabilities; or has involvement in the county's child-serving systems.

5. Chester County Department of Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities - Click Here! >>

6. Chester County Suicide Prevention Task Force -

7. Five County Mental Health - If you are assisting someone beyond Chester County, go to

8. Mental Health America (formerly the National Mental Health Association) -

9. Subscribe to Chester County's free Monthly Mental Health Newsletter. Click Here! >>

10. Chester County Mental Health First Aid is social!  Follow on Facebook to stay in touch with updates and local happenings. or @MHFAChesterCounty.

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