The 1892 Society

For more than a century, Chester County Hospital in West Chester, PA has as served our community with the help and generosity of donors. The 1892 Society exists to recognize supporters who have provided for the hospital's future through a planned gift.

Gifts of any amount qualify individuals for membership in the 1892 Society, and we hope you will want to be part of this distinguished tradition. We invite you to consider becoming a member of the 1892 Society by:

  • Including The Chester County Hospital Foundation in your will or trust.
  • Naming The Chester County Hospital Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement account, donor advised fund, life insurance policy, charitable gift annuity or other account.

There are no dues associated with membership in the 1892 Society. Members receive invitations to exclusive hospital events and, with their permission, are recognized in publications and signage. Most importantly, members of the 1892 Society know they are helping to ensure the hospital's standard of excellence for future generations.

Contact Information

Inquiries are welcome and confidential:

Jeannette Edwards
Director of Development

The Chester County Hospital Foundation does not offer tax or legal advice, and encourages you to consult with your own advisors regarding this information.

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