How can community leaders help create supportive environments to ensure the health and safety of their communities?


"As an organization, we recognize that we are servant leaders for our community. We are the 5th largest employer in Chester County, and so we have the human resources to help people from all walks of life."

Chester County Hospital believes that its social responsibility goes beyond its campus.

On Friday, November 7, 2014, Chester County Hospital invited employees, physicians, volunteers, family and friends to "A Night to Salute our Veterans" at the VFW in West Chester to benefit the Wounded Warriors Project. The beef-and-beverage event, which welcomed 100+ guests, featured music, dancing, a 50/50 raffle and food prepared by its Nutrition Services Department. Prior to the event, the planning committee -- led by Nancy Canfield of HROD -- sold bracelets and chocolate bars as additional ways to raise money. Plus, the team received a $250 Penn Medicine CAREs Grant to add to its effort of empowering veterans. The night of the social event, VFW Post 106 surprised the event leadership with an additional $10,000 donation for the Wounded Warrior Project, bringing the total contribution to about $13,000.

For efforts to help organizations like Wounded Warrior Project, the hospital's HROD Department received an Award of Excellence for Social Responsibility at the 2014 Delaware Valley HR Department of the Year Awards banquet.

"We are as committed to high quality compassionate care for our patients as we are to our community. We seek to enrich the lives of others by serving people in need. It was our pleasure to fund the Wounded Warrior Project this year and support its mission to help veterans and their families make the transition to home as easy as possible," said Felicetti.

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