Four years ago, Chester County Hospital joined in an ongoing collaborative planning effort with 34 other locally focused organizations to help Chester County become a community in which all individuals can be healthy and empowered to manage their health. Separately, each of the 35 group members had its own vision and approach, whether it is health care, social services, community-driven funding, faith-based missions or government action. In our discussions, we quickly recognized that the potential of our positive impact is amplified when we work together. Collectively, we can each reach a broader number of residents and affect greater change when we maximize the strengths and services that make us each unique.

This process of teamwork came to be known as RoadMAPP to Health: A Comprehensive Health Assessment for Chester County. From this effort came common goals, fresh tasks and creative opportunities. Chester County Hospital's Community Benefit Report FY2016 -- Health Empowerment Partnerships -- shares a few of the ways we are partnering with other local organizations to create new possibilities for wellness and good health among our neighbors of Chester County.



Chester County Hospital provides quality medical and nursing services without discrimination based upon age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, familial status, genetic information, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, culture, language, socioeconomic status, domestic or sexual violence victim status, source of income or source of payment. Although reimbursement for services rendered is critical to the operation and stability of Chester County Hospital, it is recognized that not all individuals possess the ability to purchase essential medical services and further that our mission is to serve the community with respect to providing health care services and health care education.

Therefore, in keeping with this hospital's commitment to serve all members of its community, it provides:

  • Free care and/or subsidized care;
  • Care at or below costs to persons covered by governmental programs;
  • Health activities and programs to support the community are considered where the need and/or an individual's inability to pay co-exist. These activities include wellness programs, community education programs, and special programs for the elderly, handicapped, medically underserved, and a variety of broad community support activities.


Chester County Hospital provides care to persons covered by governmental programs at or below cost. Recognizing its mission to the community, services are provided to both Medicare and Medicaid patients. To the extent reimbursement is below cost, Chester County Hospital recognizes these amounts as charity care in meeting its mission to the entire community.

  • Healthy Moms, Happy Babies

    Chester County Hospital joined forces with ChesPenn Health Services, a health center in the heart of the City of Coatesville, to bring complete prenatal services directly to the area.

  • Mission for a Healthy Alliance

    Imagine hearing the words "You have breast cancer." Now imagine hearing them in a language that is not your native tongue and in a country that is not your homeland.

  • Health and Wellness for All

    The hospital is collaborating with Community Volunteers in Medicine (CVIM) to help patients who qualify for CVIM's services find medical care providers so that they can stay well and eliminate avoidable trips to the hospital.

  • Hand Therapy at CVIM

    CVIM is providing care for those whose options are limited through the dedication of clinicians who volunteer their time, knowledge and medical skills. Jill Townsend, a certified hand therapist for Chester County Hospital's Physical Therapy Department, is one such volunteer.

  • Interpreter Services Program

    Competent language assistance should be accessible, promoted and provided to all individuals who have limited English understanding in a timely manner so that health isn't compromised because of communications.

  • Meals on Wheels

    For more than 20 years, Chester County Hospital has been providing nourishing meals to the clients of Meals on Wheels of Chester County.

  • Senior HealthLink Program

    Neighborhood Health's Senior HealthLink has been bringing preventative health care into the homes of Chester County residents age 55 and older at no charge since 1989.

  • Wounded Warrior Project

    Chester County Hospital believes that its social responsibility goes beyond its campus.

  • Mind. Body. Spirit.

    Chester County Hospital is at the center of a unique partnership that is helping encourage physical, mental and spiritual health.

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