Chester County Hospital provides quality medical and nursing services without discrimination based upon age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, ancestry, national origin, marital status, familial status, genetic information, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, culture, language, socioeconomic status, domestic or sexual violence victim status, source of income or source of payment. Although reimbursement for services rendered is critical to the operation and stability of Chester County Hospital, it is recognized that not all individuals possess the ability to purchase essential medical services and further that our mission is to serve the community with respect to providing health care services and health care education.

Therefore, in keeping with this hospital's commitment to serve all members of its community, it provides:

  • Free care and/or subsidized care;
  • Care at or below costs to persons covered by governmental programs;
  • Health activities and programs to support the community are considered where the need and/or an individual's inability to pay co-exist. These activities include wellness programs, community education programs, and special programs for the elderly, handicapped, medically underserved, and a variety of broad community support activities.


Chester County Hospital provides care to persons covered by governmental programs at or below cost. Recognizing its mission to the community, services are provided to both Medicare and Medicaid patients. To the extent reimbursement is below cost, Chester County Hospital recognizes these amounts as charity care in meeting its mission to the entire community.

Charity care is also provided through many reduced price services and free programs offered throughout the year based
upon activities and services that Chester County Hospital believes will serve a bona fide community health need.


  • Community health activities and programs cost $1,453,789 to reach many members of the community.
  • The cost to provide free care was in the amount of $6,750,121.
  • With a payroll of $102,000,000, the hospital provides 2,000 jobs, many of which require advanced degrees with opportunities for continued professional development.
  • Employer-paid payroll taxes totaled $7,528,000 to support local municipalities, state and federal governments.


Chester County Opportunities Industrialization Center
Human Resources Generalist Melissa Rosen presented information about future job opportunities at the hospital to a class of 25 nursing assistants participating in the Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) program. She covered the 120-plus year history of the hospital, careers that a Certified Nursing Assistant specialty could be transferred to within the hospital (i.e., monitor tech, nursing assistant, patient safety assistant), and explained the interview process and how to apply online. In a subsequent meeting, she assisted the students with resume writing and mock interviews. After the session, she offered each student feedback about their interview, their resume, and any areas of growth to help them prepare for future employment.

Supporting the Underserved
Several times throughout the year, the hospital actively partners with other Chester County organizations to support residents outside our hospital's setting. Lead by Nancy Canfield, Benefits Coordinator and the Diversity Council, the hospital invited employees and visitors to donate food, toiletries, home essentials, blankets and bedding, and school supplies. The outpouring of generosity was overwhelming. The items were given to organizations like David's Drive 831, Safe Harbor of West Chester, Friends Associations for Care and Protection of Children, Pennsylvania Home of the Sparrow, the Chester County Food Bank, and the Maternal and Child Health Consortium of Chester County. In addition to donating items, often our clinicians and employees volunteer their time at these organizations. For example, the nursing staff of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) sponsored a dinner at Safe Harbor. Arranged by Michelle Root, MSN, RN, Charge Nurse ICU, the nurses purchased and prepared enough food items to serve dinner to 25 homeless women.

Honduras Mission Project
Heather Donohue, BSN, RN, CNOR, participated in a week-long medical mission trip to Honduras in May 2013. While there, she helped set up brigades that offered medical, dental, optical and pharmaceutical assistance. She partnered with other volunteers, including a dentist, an ophthalmologist, a nurse practitioner, a nurse midwife, two other nurses, and a medical assistant. All medical services, including glasses and prescriptions, were provided free of charge. In addition to medical care, the team provided clothing, shoes and toothbrushes for the adults and children. Altogether, Donohue and her team treated about 700 Hondurans in the clinics they established in Cayos Cochinos, Campo Llano, San Pedro Sula, and El Carmen. Her efforts exemplify and extend the care she provides to Chester County's patients.

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