Chester County was rated the #1 healthiest county in Pennsylvania in 2010.

Ob/Gyn Clinic

  • 4% rate of low-birth weight, exceeding the HealthyPeople 2000 goal of <>
  • 92% of mothers were still breastfeeding at six-weeks postpartum exceeding the goal of >65%.
  • 94% of mothers were non-smokers during pregnancy exceeding the goal of >87%.


  • 100% of program attendees indicated they would recommend the program to others.
  • 94% accomplished behavior change goals.
  • Patients who started the program with an initial Hemoglobin A1c of 8% or more were able to reduce their A1c by an average of 2.44% points and, therefore, significantly reduced their risk of complications from diabetes.

Impact on Community Economic Status

  • The Chester County Hospital and Health System is ranked the 6th largest employer in the county. (Source: Chester for Workforce Information & Analysis, 2nd Quarter 2010, excludes Federal and State Government employees)
  • Total payroll equaled $112,168,500.
  • 77% of the Hospital's approximately 2,000 employees reside in Chester County and add to the strong economy in the area.
  • With a thriving volunteer network, the Hospital has approximately 400 volunteers. In FY2010, these men and women donated 45,755 hours of their time to the Hospital, the equivalent of 22 full-time employees. The value of this contribution is approximately $926,000, which is given back to the community through lower costs for patient services.


The Chester County Hospital provides quality medical healthcare regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, age, or ability to pay. Although reimbursement for services rendered is critical to the operation and stability of The Chester County Hospital, it is recognized that not all individuals possess the ability to purchase essential medical services and further that our mission is to serve the community with respect to providing healthcare services and healthcare education. Therefore, in keeping with this Hospital's commitment to serve all members of its community, it provides:

  • Free care and/or subsidized care;
  • Care at or below costs to persons covered by governmental programs;
  • Health activities and programs to support the community will be considered where the need and/or an individual's inability to pay co-exist. These activities include wellness programs, community education programs, and special programs for the elderly, handicapped, medically underserved, and a variety of broad community support activities.

Emergency Care is provided 24-hours-a-day and is accessible to all regardless of a person's ability to pay.

The Chester County Hospital cared for more than 17,200 inpatients and provided more than 438,000 instances of outpatient services during the fiscal year. Outpatient services include: ob/gyn clinic visits; lab registrations; radiology tests; physical therapy treatments; emergency room visits; and other ancillary services. Also, 1,675 Observation Patients were served.

The Chester County Hospital provides care to persons covered by governmental programs at below cost. Recognizing its mission to the community, services are provided to both Medicare and Medicaid patients. To the extent reimbursement is below cost, The Chester County Hospital recognizes these amounts as charity care in meeting its mission to the entire community. During the year ending June 30, 2010, costs to provide these services exceeded reimbursement by approximately $8,785,000.

Charity care is also provided through many reduced price services and free programs offered throughout the year based upon
activities and services which The Chester County Hospital believes will serve a bona fide community health need. These include:

  • Community health activities and programs with a cost of $538,000 reaching many members of the community.
  • Cost to provide free care of $4,878,000 (inclusive of bad debts).

Published: The Chester County Hospital and Health System Community Benefit Report 2011

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