Clinical trials are conducted to evaluate whether new treatment approaches offer improved outcomes and/or improved quality of life. At The Abramson Cancer Center*, our medical, surgical and radiation oncologists can offer patients access to a wide range of treatment and prevention trials. Before they are offered to patients, all trials are thoroughly reviewed and are University approved by the Institutional Review Board, which provides oversight of clinical trials and protection of human research subjects.
Treatment Trials
Not all trials study new drugs; many test new surgical procedures and radiation therapy techniques, and some even explore complementary or alternative medicines. Participation is always voluntary and a decision to participate is best made with your entire team of caregivers as well as your family. Your doctor will discuss with you if there is a treatment clinical trial appropriate for you to consider.
The following provide details on the clinical trials at The Abramson Cancer Center*:
- Advanced Disease
- Breast Cancer
- Cancer Prevention
- Gastrointestinal Cancer
- Genetics
- Genital-Urinary Cancer
- Gynecologic Cancer
- Lung Cancer
Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a multidisciplinary group of individuals designated by the authority of the Board of Directors as a committee to safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects recruited to participate in research activities at the hospital. The IRB committee members possess varying experiences and professional competencies necessary to perform the scientific, regulatory, and ethical oversight for research activities conducted at the hospital for the protection of human research subjects.
All human subject research at the hospital requires the review and approval by the IRB prior to initiating the activity. The purpose of the IRB review is to evaluate the ethics and methods of the research, to promote a fully informed consent process and ensure voluntary participation by prospective subjects, and to maximize the safety of the subjects once enrolled into the research study.
The IRB Coordinator will provide guidance to hospital-affiliated members with an interest in initiating a biomedical or social science study. The Institutional Review Board will determine if the activity qualifies for IRB oversight and approval or an IRB exemption. Inquiries for human subject research guidance can contact the IRB coordinator at 610-431-5064.
For More Information:
Contact the Research Nurses:
- Caroline DePiano, RN,BSN: 610-738-2522
- Carla Triolo, MS, PA: 610-738-2515

*A Facility of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania