Your Dream Vacation Could Become a Nightmare

Your Dream Vacation Could Become a Nightmare

From the flights and hotels to the restaurants and sights, you’ve planned every part of your dream vacation. But have you thought about how to ensure you stay healthy and enjoy the trip? 

It is difficult to determine the exact number of people who get sick while on vacation, as this information is not consistently tracked or reported. However, travelers are at risk of getting sick due to a variety of factors, such as exposure to new and different bacteria or viruses, changes in food and water, and stress. 

It is estimated that up to 70% of travelers experience some form of health problem while traveling, ranging from minor issues like traveler's diarrhea to more serious illnesses such as dengue fever or malaria. To reduce the risk of getting sick while traveling, it is important to take precautions such as getting recommended vaccines, practicing good food and beverage hygiene, and being mindful of environmental risks such as mosquitoes, the diseases they may transmit, and ways to avoid being bit by them. 

It is important to see a healthcare provider before traveling to assess your health risks, determine if you need any vaccinations or preventive medications, and provide advice on staying healthy while traveling.

  1. Health Assessment: A healthcare provider can review your health history and identify any underlying conditions that may affect your ability to travel, such as heart disease, lung problems, diabetes, or any immunodeficiencies. 
  2. Vaccinations: A healthcare provider can administer any required vaccinations such as yellow fever, polio, and any recommended travel related vaccinations, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis or rabies. They can also update your routine vaccinations, such as measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and diphtheria pertussis and tetanus (Tdap). Bringing your childhood and adult immunizations will be helpful in making the best determination for you.
  3. Preventative Medications: Depending on your destination and activities, a provider may prescribe preventive medications, such as antimalarial drugs or preventive antibiotics, to help protect against other infectious diseases. Having advice and necessary prescriptions in the event of acquired traveler diarrhea is essential for some destinations at risk for water-borne diseases.
  4. Travel Health Advice: A provider can provide advice on staying healthy while traveling, such as avoiding food and water-borne diseases, avoiding insect bites, and practicing good hygiene.

Whether you’re traveling for pleasure or as part of a student or service group, visiting a healthcare provider before traveling is important for any traveler who wants to be prepared to travel safely. It is essential for travelers who have underlying health conditions, especially any immune compromising conditions or chronic health diseases, are pregnant or travelling with children, are traveling to areas with ongoing outbreaks of infectious diseases, are planning extended stays, or strenuous activities.  

Reach Out To Chester County Hospital BEFORE You Travel

The health professionals at the Travel Medicine Program at Chester County Hospital can help you prepare for travel. To schedule an appointment for a travel-related health assessment and necessary immunizations and medications, click here.

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