How One Chester County Hospital Community Partnership Benefits Patients and Our Community


In the business world, it's called synergy. In everyday life, it's called collaboration. At Chester County Hospital, it's called community partnerships.

No matter what name it takes on, working together is usually better than working alone. It allows you to pool resources, gain different perspectives and ultimately achieve so much more than you might have been able to without a team effort.

At Chester County Hospital, we work closely with our community partners, who are an integral part of providing the best possible care for our patients. They enhance and support our commitment to serving all members of our community — a vision Michele Francis, Director of Community Wellness and Education at Chester County Hospital, has dedicated her Chester County Hospital career to.

Among the many programs Michele coordinates with the support of community partners, one is the Community Health Evaluation (CHEC) Point Program. This program provides monthly community-based health screenings and education supported by valued community partners, including West Chester University, Filet of Soul Culinary Institute, and the Charles A. Melton Arts and Education Center.

Together, we can do so much — including serving our community in its health needs. Here's a look at just one way our community partners play an integral role in the health and wellness of the Chester County community.

The Basics of the Community Health Evaluation Point Program

Each community is unique — and that includes what it needs to become and stay healthy. In order to identify the specific needs of the Chester County community, we partner with nearby hospitals to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years.

Using this information, we know where our community is thriving — and where it could use some extra support. "Using the Community Health Needs Assessment, we create a plan to help fulfill these needs," explains Michele. "And our community partners play a large role."

Two of the needs identified in the 2019 CHNA report were access to affordable preventive care and access to affordable and healthy food.

Enter The Community Health Evaluation (CHEC) Point Program. Commonly referred to as CHEC Point, this monthly program’s first event took place in October 2020, and it’s designed to meet both of these needs.

There are two components of CHEC Point:

  1. Health Screenings and Education: Community members are screened for blood pressure, weight, and body mass index (BMI). Every other month, patients can also be screened for total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and glucose. Participants discuss their results on-site with a healthcare professional, and health resources and education are available.
  2. Free Meal: Program participants are given a free, healthy, and delicious meal prepared by Filet of Soul Culinary Institute.

Organizing, staffing, and funding this monthly program is no small feat. Fortunately, Michele and Chester County Hospital are not alone in this endeavor.

The Role of Chester County Hospital Community Partners in The CHEC Point Program

They say two heads are  better than one — and with our community partners, the brain power and resources available to community members is unmatched. The CHEC Point Program exists because of the dedication, knowledge, and resources of our community partners.

The primary funding behind The CHEC Point Program is a United Way grant. As Michele explains, Chester County Hospital receives funding to do monthly health screenings, including providing educational material.

As for the food, that’s in the hands of the professionals. Chefs at the Filet of Soul Culinary Institute prepare and serve healthy meals at no cost to CHEC Point participants. "What’s great about this partnership is that Filet of Soul provides something Chester County Hospital can't — healthy meals," says Michele.

There’s also West Chester University, which helps staff the event (while also giving students valuable experience in the community).

Finally, there’s the location. Thanks to the Charles A. Melton Arts and Education Center — a longtime partner of Chester County Hospital — The CHEC Point Program has a location in which to host the program and serve the community.

As a team, these community organizations support a program that benefits the entire Chester County community, something Michele is grateful for. "Partnerships to improve the health of the community — that excites me," she says.

Better Together: Serving the Health Needs of Chester County...One Program at a Time

There are a wide range of benefits of community partnerships, starting with access to more resources and brainpower. "One of my favorite parts of community partners is trying to connect the dots," explains Michele. "There are so many people who are doing a lot of great things, but how can we help each other so we can do even more?"

Additionally, more partnerships mean more awareness. Thanks to the extended reach of our partners, more patients know how and where to get the care and health information they need. “People feel empowered when they can improve their health,” says Michele. “Education is a tool to get there."

While Michele knows she has a lot on her plate, she savors this very aspect of her role. "I love working with people, especially in ways that will ultimately help them," she says.

Still, Michele knows she relies on the support and teamwork of others to do her job well. "I have a great team that I work with. We work well together," she explains. "And, we have the support of our upper administration, which is huge. Community is important to our executive leadership, and they support us completely."

At Chester County Hospital, community is not just something we support — it's who we are. By working closely with our local partners, we can continue to keep our community empowered, happy and healthy.

Join us at one of our upcoming CHEC Point health screenings on the third Thursday of every month. Find Out More Information Here.

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