Quiet Hours
In order to promote rest and healing for our patients, quiet hours are observed each afternoon (hours vary by unit). During this time lights are lowered, doors are closed and noise is kept at an absolute minimum. Earplugs and sleep masks are also available. Please ask your nurse about these options.
With few exceptions, only those drugs dispensed by the hospital pharmacy may be used in your treatment. If you brought medications to the hospital, please send them home with a friend or family member.
You will receive a Medication Reconciliation Form during your stay. Please fill out this form and provide it to your nurse to be included in your medical record. Upon discharge, this form should be filled out with any additional medications prescribed and given back to you. Keep this form accessible and up-to-date and present the listing to all health care providers when receiving care.
During your stay, you will need only a small amount of cash in the event you wish to purchase a newspaper or small item from the Cheermobile (See "Your Convenience" section). Large sums of money or jewelry must be sent home or deposited in the hospital safe. Contact lenses, dentures, eye glasses and hearing aids may remain with you during your hospital stay. Please be sure to tell your nurse or your nursing assistant that you have these items with you. Carefully check to ensure that you have all of these items with you throughout your stay and prior to your discharge. The hospital is not responsible for valuables and other personal items, including those referenced in this section.
Food and Nutrition Services
Meals are served three times daily. Upon admission, after your diet is established, you will meet with a representative of Nutrition Services to review the patient feeding program, Bedside Bistro. You will have the ability to order your meals restaurant style bedside during your stay. Please be aware that your meals may be modified based on your physician's order. Your physician, along with a registered dietitian, and hospitality associate is responsible for your nutritional care. Together, they will assess your nutritional status and plan your diet to meet your special needs while hospitalized and after your discharge.
Meals may be delayed due to tests or X-rays and will be served at your request by notifying your hospitality associate.