How Can I Stay Active and Exercise in the Winter?

Blog Post: How Can I Stay Active and Exercise in the Winter?

Snow, ice, wind, cold — all of these can make working out hard to do. During the warmer months, it might be easier to get outside or make time for physical activity, but as temperatures drop, your motivation to get moving might drop too.

As the winter seems to last forever, you may find yourself thinking less about how much physical activity you get each day. While the cold may make it harder to stay active, physical activity is important — and doable — in every season.

Whether you've made a new year’s resolution to get more movement in your day or want to try a new kind of physical activity, you don’t have to let the cold winter months stand in your way. Here's how you can stay active this winter and beyond.

Start Each Morning by Stretching

From brushing your teeth to eating a good meal, your morning to-do list may already include different steps that focus on your health. Another way you can put your well-being first — and stay moving — is by adding a good full-body stretch to your morning routine.

You can also build some time to stretch into your workday. Stretching throughout the day can help you avoid getting stiff or creating pain in your back or neck. Try to stand and stretch once every 60 minutes — gently lean backward with your hands placed on your lower back.

"You can find many stretching routines online, or you can talk to your Chester County Hospital physical therapist or primary care provider about different stretches that would be a good fit for you. We can make recommendations based on your ability, health conditions, or recent surgeries," says Andrew Brough, PT, DPT, CSCS, Physical Therapist at Chester County Hospital. “For example, if you have lower back pain, your provider may recommend back bridges or a reclined twist. Or, if you have recently had a hip replacement, your provider may recommend hip flexes or extensions.”

Even just five to ten minutes of getting your muscles warmed up can help you build strength, flexibility, and balance — and it's a great way to prevent common winter injuries like pulling a muscle while shoveling.

Take an Afternoon Walk On Your Lunch Break

Just because the weather is colder, doesn't mean you can’t still enjoy a nice walk. Walking is a great way to stay active — and while it can seem easy, it can have a big impact on your health.

If the weather isn't too cold and the ground isn't too icy, take a short walk around your neighborhood or office building. If you are going to walk outside be sure to check: 

  • The Forecast: Cold temperatures, fast wind, or oncoming snow can all make your walk less enjoyable — or even dangerous.
  • Your Footwear: Wear good shoes that grip the ground you're walking on. If you're walking on snow or ice, spikes, cleats or crampons are a must.
  • Your Layers: Wearing layers is an important part of staying warm. The layer closest to your skin should be a fabric that wicks moisture like wool, polyester or nylon. Don't forget a hat, scarf or mittens as well.

If walking outside in the winter doesn't sound like your idea of a good time, there are other ways you can get moving inside as well. Getting your steps in each day doesn't have to mean walking 10,000 steps in the freezing cold. Instead, you can walk inside around your house or workplace. Even just walking in place while waiting for your coffee to brew is an easy way to stay active.

End Your Day with an Online Fitness Class

The winter months can make it challenging to want to keep up with or start your fitness routine. When the roads are icy or your car is covered with snow, going to the gym can feel like a huge task. But just because you can't or don't want to leave your home, doesn't mean you can't find different ways to stay active.

There are many online fitness videos that you can do to help you keep moving throughout the winter while benefiting your mental and physical health. From yoga and pilates to Zumba and kickboxing, the internet is a virtual library of guided workouts that you can do right from your own home.

While it can be easy to start an online fitness routine, it can sometimes be difficult to stick with it. To help you keep to your goal here are three things to keep in mind:

  1. Choose a video series instead of a single video. Doing something like a "30 Days of Cardio" challenge may help you stay motivated from day to day — and take some of the pressure off having to choose a new video every day.
  2. If exercise is also your social time, there’s no reason you can’t do that from home, too. Invite a friend or family member to complete a fitness video with you a few times a week. You can even video chat while you work out together. 
  3. Get some affordable equipment like an exercise mat, small hand weights, and good shoes to use at home. Even a small investment can make you feel more excited to work out — and more committed to sticking with it.

This Winter, Stay Warm and Stay Active

It can be tough to keep up a fitness routine during the winter, and it can feel like many factors outside of your control are working against you. From freezing temperatures to shorter days, getting yourself moving might be the last thing on your mind.

Many animals hibernate during the winter months, and it's natural to slow down a bit yourself. But with small changes to your daily routine, you can still stay active, keep up with your physical activity and protect your health all year long.

Want to get active this winter? Talk to your Chester County Hospital physical therapist or primary care provider, who can provide support and guidance as you start — or continue — your exercise routine.

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