Volunteer Today! Get Involved at Chester County Hospital

Animal shelters, soup kitchens, your local library — these are all places that might come to mind when you think of ways you might volunteer in your community. There are many opportunities where you can donate your time and talent as a volunteer, but did you know that you can often volunteer at your local hospital as well?

Chester County Hospital Volunteer Coordinator, Kimberly Sullivan, says that many people don't realize that they can become a volunteer at Chester County Hospital. Yet the volunteers at Chester County Hospital play a big role in helping the hospital run smoothly and in making patients and visitors feel welcome. April is National Volunteer Month, making it a great time to learn more about different volunteer positions you may be interested in. Whether you have always wanted to learn more about healthcare, are looking for something new to try, or just want to give back to your community, Chester County Hospital  has a volunteer opportunity for you. 

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering can be a great way to give back to your community, and it can impact your life in many different ways.

Donating your time and talent can fill you with a sense of purpose. It can even help you meet new people and make new friends. Volunteering can be a great way to learn new skills too — which can be helpful to put on a resume when applying for jobs.

Beyond this, some studies even show that volunteering can have a positive effect on your health. Some research reports that older adults (over the age of 51) who volunteer have a higher likelihood of getting important health screenings, spend fewer nights in the hospital, and may even live longer.

“If you want to help someone and also help out your community, you would be a great fit for our volunteer opportunities,” Kimberly says. “Many patients and family members who visit CCH are stressed or worried. Our volunteers have an opportunity to make that visit a good experience. And many people who do have good experiences at the hospital, in turn, become volunteers themselves.”

Not only can you have a good impact on yourself when volunteering, but you can also help improve the experiences of other CCH visitors with your service.

Volunteer Options That Fit Your Interests

Within the hospital, there are many different volunteer roles that you can take on. Kimberly says, “Volunteering at Chester County Hospital is a very unique experience. Volunteer positions are very catered to what each volunteer is looking for. The tasks are rewarding, and the talent on our volunteer team is incredible.”

Some volunteer assignment areas include  joining the:

  • Red Coat Ambassadors: Welcome patients and visitors in the Main Lobby.
  • Main Lobby Information Desk Attendants: Welcome patients, visitors, and staff and be a friendly face. Provide directions and answer questions.
  • Radiology Filing: Support the Radiology Department by preparing requests for image copies and files.
  • Baby Cuddler Program: Provide NICU and Pediatrics support by rocking and calming our babies. 
  • Weekend and Summer Volunteen Programs: For students between 14 and 18 years old interested in healthcare or in giving back.
  • And so much more!

The volunteer assignment you choose can depend on your schedule, your interests, and what you hope to get out of it.

"We do have a lot of different positions here that can fit the needs of many different types of people. We try to pair them with something that is suitable for them and lines up with what they're interested in," explains Kimberly. "We want people to get joy out of it — we want them to benefit as much as the hospital does from their work."

Maybe you are retired, and you want to get out of the house. Maybe you are new to the area and want to interact with and meet other people. Maybe you are a teenager looking for some volunteer hours for a scholarship association. No matter your age or your interests, there is a volunteer opportunity for you at Chester County Hospital.

Thank You to Our Volunteers!

At Chester County Hospital, we are so lucky to be joined by dedicated volunteers every day. Their work helps us provide the best care and service possible to everyone who walks in our door.

From assisting with emergency department unit preparation, to bringing in therapy dogs to delivering cards and flowers to recovering patients, our volunteers do it all.

"I am actually in awe of what our volunteers do every day. I can't believe the effort and dedication that they put in," says Kimberly. "They come at their work with such a giving heart. We really do rely on our volunteers. Thank you all so much for your commitment to Chester County Hospital!”

Want to join the volunteer team at Chester County Hospital? Check out the open volunteer positions and fill out an application today.


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