It’s National Epilepsy Awareness Month: How Much Do You Know About Epilepsy?




On the surface, it might not seem like Vincent Van Gogh, Harriet Tubman and Lil Wayne have all that much in common. But these famous faces, along with countless other historical figures and modern celebrities, share a connection: They have all been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological condition in the U.S., affecting about 3.5 million adults and children. Worldwide, it’s estimated that epilepsy affects anywhere from 50 million to 65 million people.

Anyone can be diagnosed with epilepsy at any age. And with 1 in 26 people being diagnosed with it at some point in their lifetime, it's one of the most common conditions. However, epilepsy is also very often misunderstood.

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month, which means it's the perfect time to test your knowledge. Can you separate fact from fiction when it comes to epilepsy?

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