How Much Do You Know About Common Winter Injuries? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

Hot chocolate, a cozy fire, and a good book — for many people the cold weather brings to mind hibernation and rest. But this can also leave you open to potential winter injuries if you aren’t paying attention.

During the winter, there are many hazards that can lead to injury — and no one wants to drive to the emergency room in the middle of a snowstorm. From ice to snow to simply colder temperatures, there are many opportunities for an accident.

So how do you protect yourself from winter injuries? Knowing what to be on the lookout for is a great place to start — and can help you develop better winter safety habits.

See how much you know about winter injuries and prevention with our quick quiz!

Injured? Take Action!

If you have experienced a winter injury, contact a Chester County Hospital provider or specialist through our online directory or call 610-431-5000 to make an appointment.

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