John Gose, PT, MS, OCS
Director, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine

Physical Therapy Employee Injury

Employee injuries are a serious concern for organizations. After all, they may lose a valuable employee for a period of time or the employee may need to change their role until fully recovered. The workload is then shared with others to get the job done. Injuries equate to lost time, money and many inconveniences to the organization. What are some of the ways a company can prevent or proactively help employees with developing issues?

The Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine department at Chester County Hospital includes a strong industrial injury program that encompasses every detail of injury care. Most recently, we have updated our Back on Track Program. This program is designed to help employees stay healthy, on the job, and augment what a previous series of formal physical therapy may have done. Our goals are to promote physical strength, optimal flexibility, work hardness, all in an effort to prevent future injuries.

Employees are referred to our program from their organization’s human resources department. A physical therapist will then screen the employee's concerns, assess their needs, and provide them with a home exercise program customized to their needs. Our program provides two additional appointments spread over the next month to check on their expected progress and provide updated exercises if needed. It is the employee's responsibility to follow the program and perform the exercises given by the physical therapist.

Kendal at Longwood was the first company to help develop and choose this program. It offers them an expert resource to help their employees prevent aches or pains and from escalating into a reportable workers' compensation injury.

For more information on Chester County Hospital's outpatient physical therapy, rehabilitation and sports medicine services, visit our webpage or contact the Occupational Health Center and Travel Medicine Program.

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