Side Bar and Restaurant's 'Shave Off for SHiNE' Raises $4,400 for Chester County Cancer Patients

Saturday, March 26 was blustery day outside but inside the Side Bar and Restaurant on Gay Street in West Chester, PA the atmosphere was warm. Patrons were enjoying a party as the "Side Bar Shave Off for SHiNE" fundraiser was underway.

Bartender Jon Traina started growing his beard last October. After a few months, he decided to put that beard to good use and raise funds to help those in our area that are fighting cancer. He encouraged co-workers to join him. On March 26, Dave Van Ryn and the staff from Van Ryn's and West Chester Barber Shops volunteered to participate in the challenge with their shears for Jon and his six co-workers.

Dougherty Hall Labik Snyder
Stefano Traina Young

Each man raised funds to donate to SHiNE, a volunteer group devoted to cancer patients in Chester County, PA. SHiNE assists with prescriptions, transportation and various therapies, as well as funding a cancer care coordinator. The organization gives patients the edge in their battles against cancer. SHiNE aims to lessen the burdens of the disease by helping the patient confront the challenges of cancer with dignity, determination and hope. SHiNE directly benefits patients and their families by offsetting the costs of cancer care and support services offered at Chester County Hospital in West Chester, PA.

Side Bar regulars, families and friends enjoyed a festive afternoon while the bearded participants prepared to receive their new clean-shaven looks. Donors had the opportunity to sponsor their favorite beard. The man with the least amount of cash was the first to have his facial hair sheared. Chef Blaise Labik took this position, followed by Sal Stefano, Chris Hall, owner Justin Dougherty, chef David Young and Matt Snyder.

Appropriately, Jon Traina's beard was the last to go. He was able to raise the most money for SHiNE. He encouraged more donations by agreeing to shave his head. In the end, Jon and his friends raised $4,400 for the local foundation.

The afternoon was a lively way to spend time in West Chester with friends. Due to the kindness of the Side Bar owners and staff and the generosity of people in our community, SHiNE benefited as well.


SHINE is a volunteer group devoted to cancer patients in Chester County, PA by assisting them with prescriptions, transportation, their utility bills, and various therapies. The organization gives patients the edge in their battle against cancer. SHINE aims to lessen the burdens of this disease by helping the patient confront the challenges of cancer with dignity, determination and hope. SHINE directly benefit patients and their families by offsetting the costs of cancer care and support services offered at Chester County Hospital.

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