Published January 2020
When Ed and Julie Breiner talk about Chester County Hospital, they lead with the compelling story about the compassionate and excellent care that was provided for one of their family members while visiting from out of town. That story, and a personal commitment to donate a percentage of their annual income to their church and other community-based organizations, compels the Breiners to support Chester County Hospital.
Ed and Julie Breiner, who both hail from Easton, PA, established their Chester County, PA roots during Ed’s career at Schramm, Inc. The century-old, privately-owned Chester County manufacturer and its employees have a longstanding tradition of giving back to the community. In that spirit, Ed got involved with several organizations in the area, including the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC), where he has served for 12 years and recently held the Chairman’s role. He is also very active in Seedcopa (South Eastern Economic Development Company of Pennsylvania), an arm of the CCEDC. The relationships and connections fostered through his colleagues at Schramm and Ed’s work within the community were the impetus for the Breiners to become more engaged with the hospital.
Drawing from their own personal family experiences, and those of their peers, Ed and Julie began making Chester County Hospital one of their philanthropic priorities in 2011. Julie’s career in health care as a medical technologist provided a natural affinity for their local hospital. As Julie reflects, "Having great health care in the community is so important, it is such a benefit for all of us who live in Chester County, PA. What sets our hospital apart from others is its mission to treat everyone who walks in the door as their family, friend, or neighbor – providing the same patient-centered, compassionate care to everyone. It really levels the ground for all to receive the excellent care they deserve."
Recently, when Ed retired from his role as CEO at Schramm, he knew he wanted to get more involved at Chester County Hospital and help apply his professional and volunteer experiences to benefit the health and wellness of the community. As he describes, "Investing in a hospital is investing in the community and future generations." In June 2015, Ed joined the Board of The Chester County Hospital Foundation and assumed the role of Chairman in October 2019. We are grateful for Ed and Julie Breiner and the time, leadership, and resources they have invested in Chester County Hospital.