Jeffrey Daniel Oliver, MD

headshot of Jeffrey Daniel Oliver, MD
No patient ratings. Why not?
Why doesn't this doctor have a rating?

There is no publicly available rating for this medical professional for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are not employed by Penn Medicine.
  2. They do not see patients.
  3. They see patients but have not yet received the minimum 30 patient satisfaction reviews in the past 12 months, ensuring that the rating is statistically reliable and a true reflection of patient satisfaction.

Sees patients age 18 and up

Jeffrey Daniel Oliver, MD

No patient ratings. Why not?
Why doesn't this doctor have a rating?

There is no publicly available rating for this medical professional for one of the following reasons:

  1. They are not employed by Penn Medicine.
  2. They do not see patients.
  3. They see patients but have not yet received the minimum 30 patient satisfaction reviews in the past 12 months, ensuring that the rating is statistically reliable and a true reflection of patient satisfaction.

Sees patients age 18 and up

  • Dr. Oliver is a Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health physician.

Meet Dr. Oliver

Having grown up and completed my education in Pennsylvania and the nearby region, I am thrilled to serve at Lancaster General Hospital. My goal is to deliver high quality, patient-centered care, while developing systems to ensure that patients and their loved ones receive a top-notch experience close to home.

I am particularly passionate about cerebrovascular and spinal neurosurgery. My subspecialty training permits me to offer both minimally invasive endovascular and open surgical techniques. I continue to employ lessons from my time at the Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore. I look forward to continued collaboration with my colleagues at Penn Medicine to drive research and innovation in the field of neuroscience.

Most importantly, I look forward to serving you and your loved ones and appreciate the tremendous faith and trust you put in our team to provide you with excellent care.


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