An-tique : existing since or belonging to earlier times
As defined by Merriam-Webster, Chester County Hospital is antique in the sense that we established our roots in Chester County, PA in 1892 as a 10-bed dispensary. Since then, however, we have grown to a 245-bed acute care hospital complemented by a number of ancillary services with outpatient locations in West Chester, PA; Exton, PA; Kennett Square, PA and West Grove, PA.
We have brought the expertise of nationally respected institutions right here to Chester County, PA. Like the Cleveland Clinic for heart surgery. The University of Pennsylvania for cancer, radiation oncology and radiology. And CHOP for pediatrics and neonatal care.
Chester County Hospital offers our community cutting-edge technologies like the most up-to-date version of the da Vinci SI Surgical System. This robotic surgery system provides an alternative to traditional open surgery and conventional laparoscopy, allowing even the most complex and delicate procedures to be completed through small incisions with unmatched precision and accuracy.
Although we are in a sense "antique" in the way that we are deeply rooted in the history of Chester County, PA we are fully focused on the future. And, delivering you superior care along the way.
As a proud "antique" member of Chester County, we are giving away two tickets to two of our area's finest events -the Preview Party of 30th Annual Chester County Antiques Show and the Country's oldest Home Tour - the 71st Annual Chester County Day House Tour.
The Chester County Antiques Show takes place tomorrow night, March 16 at the Westtown School (975 Westtown Road, West Chester) and is presented by the Chester County Historical Society.
Passes to the Preview Party - which price at $130 per person - provides attendees with an early viewing of this 2012's show and its wonderful array of beautiful antiques, as well as an opportunity to enjoy refreshments and an incredible menu, plus meet the Historical Society's Board of Trustees, the dealers, and fellow supporters.
The Chester County Day House Tour takes place on October 6, 2012 in the southwest quadrant of the county and benefits The Women's Auxiliary "On the Cutting Edge" Pledge to The Chester County Hospital.