Chester County, PA Residents -- There IS a Solution for Breathing Disorders!
In honor of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week – March 11-17, 2018 – the Pulmonary Rehabilitation team at Chester County Hospital has put together some facts you should know about Pulmonary Rehab and how it may benefit anyone in Chester County, PA experiencing lung disease.
What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is a program that consists of both education and exercise to help patients with chronic lung disease learn about efficient breathing and how to manage their condition.
How does Pulmonary Rehabilitation help me if I have lung disease?
Pulmonary Rehabilitation helps patients build their endurance and strength by working their muscles and lungs. The goal of Pulmonary Rehab is to help increase the patient’s level of fitness so they are able to be more active and participate in activities with their family and loved ones.
What do I actually do during Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
Participants will participate in a series of activities that may include the NuStep machine, arm ergometer (Biodex), recumbent or upright bikes, walking on and off treadmill, and resistance training. Participants also learn principles of warm up & cool down including stretching and breathing techniques.
How long is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
Pulmonary Rehabilitation sessions typically last 1 ½ hours and may range anywhere from 18-36 sessions. The number of sessions patients participate in depends on their symptoms, lung function testing and recommendation from their healthcare provider.
Where do I go for Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is an outpatient program. Chester County Hospital has a comprehensive program in place at our Fern Hill Medical Campus (located less than one mile from Chester County Hospital in West Chester, PA.
How do I know if I am a candidate for Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is recommended for patients that have been diagnosed with lung disease as well as patients with prescribed oxygen who are not able to perform daily activities despite the use of medications. Talk to your pulmonologist or healthcare provider to see if you are a candidate to participate in this program.
For more information about Pulmonary Rehabilitation services at Chester County Hospital: