It's that time of year where we need to dust off the snow shovels. By following the below recommendations, you can shovel safely and minimize the risk of injury to yourself.
First, the positives: shoveling snow can be looked at as an excellent form of exercise. The average person who shovels snow for 30 minutes will burn approximately 250 calories. Even for younger, college-aged persons, shoveling snow is considered a moderately to vigorously intense activity.
- FACT: if the average shovel holds 16 pounds of snow and you shovel at a rate of 12 shovels per minute (or once every 5 seconds), you will lift almost 2,000 pounds of snow in just over 10 minutes!
Now, the negatives: the potential for injury or even death. There is an increase in fatal heart attacks with shoveling snow, particularly after heavy snowfalls. Shoveling snow puts a sudden demand on one’s heart and quickly increases heart rate and blood pressure. Within just a few minutes of shoveling, your heart rate and blood pressure increase to levels higher than normally recommended during aerobic activity. Because of this, it is not recommended that you shovel if you have any of the following risk factors:
- History of a heart attack
- History of heart disease
- History of high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels
- You are a smoker
- People who lead an otherwise sedentary lifestyle
Be sure to check with your doctor if you are concerned that shoveling snow might be dangerous for you.
Data suggests more than 100,000 people visit emergency rooms and doctor’s offices due to injuries while removing snow manually each year. Many of the more common injuries include sprains and strains to the back and shoulders as well as lacerations and finger amputations (due to snowblowers).
If you are going to go out and shovel snow, do the following:
- Don’t smoke or consume caffeinated beverages prior to shoveling. These -stimulants may increase your heart rate and cause blood vessels to constrict
- Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration
- Dress in layers – you can take layers off as needed to avoid overheating
- Wear a hat – to avoid losing body heat through your head
- Wear comfortable boots that allow for foot warmth and good traction to avoid slips and falls
- PACE yourself and take breaks as needed; consider a slower pace when you need to move large quantities of snow
- If you experience pain (i.e. chest pain) – STOP!
- Warm your muscles up to avoid the potential for injury
Recommended techniques for selecting a snow shovel:
- Use a shovel specifically designed for pushing or lifting snow
- Consider shovels with plastic blades to reduce shovel weight
- Consider smaller blades; smaller loads to push & lift = less stress on your body
Recommended techniques for shoveling snow:
- Spray silicon lubricant on the blade to avoid snow from sticking
- Widen grip between hands to improve leverage
- Maintain good posture (don’t bend over)
- Maintain balance by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart
- Keep the shovel close to your body, knees bent, and stomach tight
- When possible, push the snow instead of lifting it
- If you must lift, lift with your legs and not your back – avoid twisting
- Only lift what you can comfortable lift; shovel in sections
- Fresh snow is lighter in weight – try to clear the snow as soon as it has fallen
- Listen to your body and take breaks as needed
By following these simple recommendations, your snow shoveling experience can be a safe and pain-free one!
- Tips for Snow Shoveling: How to Avoid Back Pain.
- The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
- The Scoop on Snow Shoveling Safety. North Dakota State University, 2011
- Tips to Shovel Snow Safely: Simple Tips To Avoid Snow Shoveling Health Risks, Rome Neal