Efficient & Effective - SHINE is a volunteer organization that provides services that give every patient in Chester County, PA every advantage in their battle with cancer while maintaining an overhead of less than 2%.
The SHiNE Committee has designed a binder as a tool to help patients organize their treatments and make the logistics of care easier. Includes a calendar for appointments, contact list, important resources and sections for medical records and treatment plans.
Nurse Navigators
When faced with a cancer diagnosis, the challenges of arranging for consultations with surgeons, radiologists and other health care professionals can be overwhelming. Navigating through the medical world is equally demanding. Nurse Navigators will help patients schedule medical appointments and and assist in obtaining other services, such as emotional support, transportation and other support services.
Patients occasionally need transportation to and from one of the operating entities of Chester County Hospital. Transportation is provided to ensure patients receive treatment in a timely manner, which is critical to well-being.
The Wig Program
Patients report that when they look like themselves, they feel like themselves. Patients may select a wig or headwear which reflects their individual beauty..
Emotional Support
Participation in support groups is encouraged to discuss common sources of stress when facing cancer. Explore strategies that support optimal coping and practice relaxation techniques designed to relax and replenish. Individuals who participate report that they feel supported and re-centered.
Fitness Membership
Receive a 60-day fitness membership at a participating gym. The membership includes personal training assistance from an oncology certified trainer.
Therapeutic Massage
Receive a complimentary massage with an oncology certified therapist. Massage has been clinically proven to aid in pain management and stress reduction.
Treatment provided by a licensed practitioner as a complementary option for relief of symptoms including anxiety, nausea and pain.
More Information:
Speak with your Chester County Hospital Nurse Navigator or email us at shine.cchf@gmail.com to learn more and apply for the free programs and services available to you through SHINE.