If you're not prepared to be a mom or take care of your newborn -- and you don't have anyone to ask for help -- there's a place where you can take your baby to ensure his or her safety and health. The Pennsylvania Safe Haven Law, enacted in 2002 and amended in 2014, gives parents a safe, legal alternative to abandoning their baby. The law allows parents to leave a newborn younger than 28 days in the care of any Pennsylvania hospital or police officer at a police station without fearing criminal prosecution, as long as the baby hasn't been harmed. No one will ask questions. No one will judge you.

At Chester County Hospital, any staff member can accept the baby. Staff will know what to do with an infant placed in Safe Haven, and you can be sure that once an infant arrives here, that infant will be safe and cared for. You can provide medical information for the baby, but it’s not required, and you don’t have to answer any questions.

Information on Safe Haven can be found at www.secretsafe.org or by calling the Save Haven Helpline at 866-921-SAFE (7233).

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