Health-Conscious Gift Ideas for Every Member of Your Family


From plates piled high with turkey and stuffing to pies ranging from pumpkin to pecan — unhealthy eating tends to go hand-in-hand with the holidays. It might start as just one "cheat day," but before you know it, you've excused away weeks of unhealthy eating.

On top of the high-calorie, high-fat meals that fill the holidays, unhealthy gifts are often a go-to for many people. If you're struggling to find that perfect gift for a loved one, you may end up resorting to a box of chocolate, a cookie gift basket, or a bottle of wine — all of which make it challenging to live a healthy lifestyle during an already unhealthy time of year.

From November to January, most people gain about 1 pound. While that may not seem like much, most people don't shed that extra weight from the holidays — and it lingers throughout the next year. After ten years, those ten pounds can start to show.

The best way to stay healthy during the holidays is to avoid weight gain in the first place. And even if that's easy enough for you, it might be a little challenging for a loved one. Giving non-food gifts can help your family members stay on track with their health. They'll appreciate you not enabling unhealthy eating — especially considering they'll be eating plenty of unhealthy foods from other people and during holiday dinners.

You certainly can't control what your loved ones eat — and you probably shouldn't if you don't want to start family drama — but you can give them one less unhealthy thing to chow down on. Here are some healthy gift ideas for your loved ones for the holiday season.


Gift-giving can be a great way to let a loved one know you care about them and their well-being. During the holidays, health-conscious gifts can also provide that extra boost to help them get back to their healthy lifestyle after a temptation-filled holiday season.

Keep in mind — the most enjoyable gift may simply be spending time together. Go on a long walk with a grandparent, take your nephew for a bike ride, or bring your significant other to your favorite workout class.

A box of chocolates or a pumpkin pie may be enjoyable, but moments spent doing activities together can create lasting memories — and keep both of you healthy during the holidays.

Do you have questions about how to stay healthy during the holidays? Call 610-431-5000 to talk to a primary care provider at Chester County Hospital about focusing on your health during the holiday season.

Read more about staying healthy during the holidays or managing your nutrition and weight year-round


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